Friday, October 12, 2007

7 ways to save some money

If you always stick to your budget and save a few dollars a day, then you are on your way to a debt free life.

Keeping a budget log where you jot down your expenses would help you in saving more money.

Take a look at your monthly expenses. Mark the things that you spend less money on and find a way to cut down on them even more. After doing so, make your way up the list and do the same thing.

A few dollar savings can effectively help you save big in the long run. For instance, if you normally buy a large coffee switch to a small coffee and you will be surprised on how much you can save over time. Just imagine how much you can save if you cut down on the more expensive things that you usually purchase. If you want to add more funds to your savings account, try these tips today:

* Always categorize your purchase. Does it fall under wants or needs? Prioritize buying what you need more than what you want. Needs are necessities like food, clothing and household stuff, among others. Wants are the things that you enjoy and enhance your being.

* Do not be an impulsive buyer. Before doing the groceries, list the things that you need to buy and stick to the list as much as you can. When shopping, try clothes or shoes on before you buy it. Make sure that you spend money on the things that you would use for a number of times. Be a budget shopper. Go for discounts and sales. If you are meaning to buy something expensive, give yourself the entire day to think about it.

* Avoid late fees as much as you can. You can save big if you can avoid late fees and penalties on your credit cards, loans, mortgages and other monthly bills. You can always change the due date of your credit card bills so you can pay them at the same time you pay your monthly bills.

* If you have some loose change in your pocket, save it! It will pile up and before you know it, you already have created funds for emergency use.

* If you are taking prescription medicine, ask your doctor if he can prescribe to you generic drugs. Buying generic drugs can help you save hundreds of dollars every month. You can buy store brands over commercially advertised brands that can cost you so much more.

* Avoid bounced checks and save about $30 a month. Use a debit card instead of credit cards if you do not have enough cash with you. Avoid using your ATM from other banks that would charge you a certain amount for withdrawal.

* Shop for the cheapest gas around your area. Make sure that you maintain a good engine so that you do not spend more on gas. If you have to commute, try using public transportation instead of taking a cab. If you have to fly out of town or outside the country, book in advance so you can get the cheapest rate.

Link - via My New Choice

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